extra bases is held in order to offer academic and journalistic materials on contemporary audiovisual, with a particular interest in Colombian production.
"regional representations in the Colombian audiovisual" second special theme of the magazine for extra bases, measure your pulse aspires to a discussion that has a long tradition in Colombia, as a result of this being a country with marked regional differences. The special attempts to analyze why and how they are producing images in different regions of the country, what and how they were in the past, what has made this production traces the readings of the regional culture and how they are preserved and re-reading these images. We are interested in analysis of works, authors and trends, historical accounts and theoretical problems related to regional representation.
From the Constitution of 1991 was officially recognized ethnic and cultural diversity of human groups that make up the Colombian nation. The General Law on Culture, in 1997, incorporated the constitutional mandate. Since then, at the expense of the Directorate of Cinematography of the Ministry of Cultural programs are developed with a clear regional accent as Imagining Our Image-INI, at the same time the public calls for documentaries, short films and feature films seeking, not always successfully, to achieve a balance through which cultural diversity of the country, officially recognized , has its equivalent in audiovisual production. Film Act passed in 2003, despite its industrial logic that seems to favor a single center of production in line with the economies of scale, have mechanisms for dialogue with the regions through the district councils and film department, with to promote strategies that have a visual representation plural of the country. Finally, universities with their careers in visual areas, and the proliferation of regional channels and local community, give a significant boost to production.
Given the above context, it is essential to assess the current state of discussion on the dynamics of regional production and its cultural and symbolic importance for the strengthening of local and regional identities. We believe that this discussion can generate ownership and empowerment processes of production that falls directly to the regions, by virtue of referring to their values, beliefs, dreams and aspirations, and provide forms of representation, construction of historical memory, recognition, valuation of assets at risk and visibility of the problems of vulnerable communities
-Items sent for extra bases must be original. These will be reviewed by an editorial committee that will evaluate the soundness of their theoretical contributions and the consistency of the argument.
-In proposing an article for extra bases, each partner guarantees the authorship of his text. In the case artwork and multimedia attach to certify the authorization to use and publish that web page. Content selected will be released under the Creative Commons Attribution License.
-Articles should be sent in electronic form to extrabismos@gmail.com
-The approximate area of \u200b\u200bwork should be between 6 and 9-spaced pages 1.5, font Times New Roman, 12 points.
To facilitate the editing process is desirable that the items are accompanied by:
-title and subtitle.
-Entradilla or abstract (maximum of four lines). Titles
intermediate-information on each section (one per page and a half).
who want to highlight (maximum four per item), including the final text.
-footer Notes: brief clarification. Do not include here the references.
"The use of quotations and bibliography, filmography, videography and Cybergraphy used in the text should follow the MLA system:
-Al final the text should include a brief profile of the author.
"The selections are subject to the Creative Commons Attribution.
-Wanted short film works of significant contributions to the representation regional. The purpose of this section of the call is to provide a dissemination channel, backed by a reflection on the corpus of works selected.
"The material can be sent to the email: extrabismos@gmail.com or can be uploaded in http://extrabismos.blip.tv
(those interested in this option will ask the password.)
-Wanted teaching materials, interviews, lectures, contributing to the debate on regional representation in the Colombian audiovisual.
"The material can be sent to the email: extrabismos@gmail.com or can be uploaded in http://extrabismos.blip.tv
(those interested in this option will ask the password.) If it exceeds the weight and length permitted by these platforms, can be sent in DVD format, AVI, MPEG's or Quick Time at the following address: Revista
extra bases Kra 93A No. 77 F 25
Medellín Teléfonos: (4 ) 2642135
The deadline for receipt of contributions is 15 May. The acceptance or otherwise of the contributions will be communicated to the authors on Friday 12 June. Contact
Wilson Montoya. (4) 2642135 - Cel: 3012800807 Bogotá
Contact: Peter
Adrián Zuluaga. (1) 3108050
No. 2 is an extra-base hits Publishing Corporation Pulmovies concert with the Ministry of Culture
A project

With the support of

extra bases @ gmail.com
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=29574935669 http://www .flickr.com / photos / extra-base /