Friday, May 13, 2011

Smooth Muscles And Nitrates

PART OF WAR 12-13/05/11


Al-Qaeda jihad promises more U.S.

Publication time: 11 May 2011, 20:25 Emir of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Nasir al-Wahishi

will miss the days when Osama bin Laden was alive. Al-Qaida promises more attacks in the U.S., Georgian television reported PikTv referring to the statement of the Emir of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, al-Wahishi. The report Georgian television said the United States is concerned about possible attacks on Americans and take security measures. Meanwhile, the Ansar website has published the full text of the declaration of the Emir of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), which is based in Yemen, which warned that the jihad against Western aggressors and their puppets after the murder Sheikh Osama bin Laden will be even more intense and devastating for the unbelievers. Nasir al-Wahishi, Emir of the Mujahideen of AQAP, in his speech said that "the fire of Jihad will be even brighter:" I want to tell Americans that the embers of Jihad will come on stronger and more brighter than it was in a time of Sheik. "Amir al-Wahishi appealed to Americans to not be fooled by the martyrdom of Sheikh Osama bin Laden. He said the issue of jihad for the States United is not resolved at all. "Tthe battle ... will be even bigger and worse for you as it is becoming more intense and destructive. "" What is coming is more and worse, and what awaits them is more intense and damaging. "" We say only what pleases the Lord. "" The death of Sheik only increase our persistence to fight Jews and Americans to defeat them, "said Amir al-Wahishi." "The Americans have killed the sheikh, but have not have killed Sheikh religion, their way, your call and the competitive spirit of the Umma, which revived the Sheikh? ... Let the enemies of Allah knows, we are determined to prevail, "concluded his appeal AQAP Emir. It is recalled that Washington believes that al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula as the main threat to U.S. security intelligence services .. put us on top of the list of "particularly dangerous terrorists" one of the main preachers of Jihad in Yemen, Sheikh Anwar al-Awlaki. four days after the assassination of Sheikh Osama bin Laden, United States organized an attempt to Sheikh al-Awlaki, but was fracasól.

Department of Monitoring Kavkaz Center


revenge for the death of Bin Laden: double bombing killed 87 soldiers

The incident occurred when two suicide bombers blew themselves up in the regimental district Charsadda in the North which killed 87 paramilitary and another 106 were injured.
The Taliban immediately claimed responsibility for the fact attributed to an act of revenge for the death of Bin Laden.


WAR PARTIES Islamic Emirate

Jamadi-ul-Thani 08, 1432 AH, Thursday, May 12, 2011

1) 34 killed, 23 U.S. military vehicles destroyed when a convoy ambush on the road Kabul-Heart
May 12 - also died in action 3 Mujahideen and 4 others wounded. The fact was made as part of Operation Badar. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 2) 3 killed in Alinga
May 12 - was to destroy your tank. Reported by Mujahid
3) 7 people dead and four wounded, two vehicles destroyed in Ghazni
May 12 - It was near the provincial capital. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 4) Eliminate a puppet in Balkh
May 12 - was in district Chamtal by snipers. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 5) 4 puppets killed and three wounded in Logar
May 12 - was in dsitrito of Jarkh. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 6) U.S. tank destroyed in Nangarhar
May 12 - was in Bati Kot district of dying or injuring the occupants. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 7) 3 Yankees killed and 5 wounded in Uruzgan
May 12 - was in the provincial capital. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 8) 2 killed in Wardag
May 12 - was in Sayedabad district. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
9) 10 dead in judging
May 12 - At Darzab district was in a Mujahid was also killed. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 10) 3 people dead and destroyed vehicles
May 12 - was in the provincial capital. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 11) 4 policemen injured in Wardag
May 12 - was in Syedabad district. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 12) Heavy fighting in Kunar
May 12 - was in Khas Kunar district of ignoring low. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 13) attacked U.S. base in Kabul
May 12 - was in Sarubi district. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
14) U.S. patrol attacked in Ghazni
May 12 - was in ignoring Waghiz dsitrito of casualties. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 15) 11 NATO soldiers killed and 11 wounded in Yahiya
Khel May 12 - Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 16) 4 NATO soldiers killed in Parwan
May 12 - was in district Koh-e-Safi. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 17) 13 dead or wounded and two vehicles destroyed in Paktia
May 12 - It was near the provincial capital. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 18) 8 enemy vehicles destroyed in Paktia
May 12 - It was unable Shwak district determine casualties. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 19) Vehicle destroyed in Nangarhar
May 12 - was in deGhani Khel district killing its occupants. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 20) clashes with Yankee
May 12 - was ignored Alinga district of casualties. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 21) 3 French dead, 8 injured in Kapisa
May 12 - was in Tagab district. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 22) police patrol attacked in Ghazni
May 12 - was in Andar district of ignoring low. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 23) Agent NDS
killed in Khost
May 12 - was in the provincial capital. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 24) three stooges commanders known eliminated in Kapisa
May 12 - They were known as Shar-o-Fasad (demons of corruption) were eliminated in Tagab district. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 25) Two tank trucks destroyed in Nangarhar

May 12 - was in Bati Kot district of y. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 26) 2 killed in Wardag
May 12 - was in Sayedabad district. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 27) 2 NATO soldiers killed and destroyed in Paktia
May 12 - was in district Zurmat. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 28) Center bombing in Ghazni district
May 12 - was in Andar district launched seven missiles ignroándose low. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 29) Combat in Gulran
May. 12 - It was Totki village suffering heavy casualties the enemy. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

30) police commander dies in hospital
May. 12 - This is Haji Abdul Qayum Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

31) General Naseem along with two of his men killed in ambush
May. 12 - It was in Almar district. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

32) Strong battle with invaders in Faryab
May. 12 - Khwaja was in district. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

33) 3 enemy vehicles destroyed in Farah
May. 12 - It was Qalagah district. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

34) Heavy fighting in Marghab
May. 12 - casualties are unknown. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

35) U.S. forces detain three innocent civilians in Badghis
May. 12 - It was in district Sang-e-Atish. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

36) attacked four military posts in Marjah
May. 12 - Casualties are unknown. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

37) Heavy fighting in Gerimsir
May. 12 - Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

38) 5 U.S. tank destroyed in Nawzad
May. 12 - Its occupants killed or wounded. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

39) tank truck destroyed in Shindand
May. 12 - The two occupants dead. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

40) 2 killed in Sarwan Kala Yankees
May. 12 - Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

41) U.S. tank destroyed in Gerishk
May. 12 - Its occupants muertos o heridos. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

42) Tanque yanqui destruido en Qalat
May. 12 – Sus 5 ocupantes muertos. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

43) 5 títeres muertos en Bakwa
May. 12 – Su vehículo destruido. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

44) 6 títeres muertos en Khak-e-Safid
May. 12 – Un Mujahid herido. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

45) 2 policías muertos en Sangin
May. 11 –

46) 7 policías muertos en Nimroz vehículo destruido

May. 11 – Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

47) attacked police posts in Panjwaee
May. 11 - casualties are unknown. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

48) Contractor puppet eliminated in Kandahar city
May. 11 - It is the contractor met Shafiq. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
49) Official surrenders to Afghan Mujahideen in Panjwaee
May. 11 - Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

50) 9 dead in Panjwaee
May. 11 - Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

51) Another tank destroyed in Nawzad
May. 12 - Your occupants killed or wounded. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

II-Jamadi-ul-Thani 09, 1432 AH, Friday, May 13, 2011

1) 9 killed in Kunar
May 13 - was in district Nari in ambush. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 2) attacked Bagram Air Base
May 13 - ignroan low. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 3) U.S. tank destroyed in Wardag
lower 4
May 13 - was in Sayedabad district. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 4) 3 NATO soldiers killed in Wardag
May 13 - was in Sayedabad district. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
5) Yankees 5 dead, 3 wounded and 2 tanks destroyed in Nangarhar
May 13 - was in Khogiano district. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 6) 4 puppets vehicle deaths and destroyed in Kunduz

May 13 - was in capital city. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 7) As in Ghazni attacked puppet
May 13 - It was end of Rashide istrict. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 8) 3 NATO soldiers killed in Kunduz
May 13 - was in capital city. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 9) As in the Ghazni attacked U.S.
May 13 - was in the district of ignoring Khogiano low. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 10) 8 puppets dead and 7 injured in Kunduz
May 13 - was in assault on capital. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 11) 3 Yankees killed and several injured in Paktia

May 13 - was in Nanka district. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 12) puppet patrol attacked in Khost
May 13 - was in district produjueron Mandozu be heavy casualties. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 13) 5 puppets killed or wounded in ambush in Nangarhar
May 13 - was in Bati Kot district. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 14) 3 French killed and 6 wounded in Kapisa
May 13 - was in Tagab district. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 15) three stooges dead, four injured and two vehicles destroyed in Paktia
May 13 - was in dsitrito of Sarawza. Reported by Mujahid
Zabihullah 16) 10 dead, eight tankers destroyed in Ghazni
May 13 - was in Qara Bagh district. Reported by Mujahid

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How To Get Dealer License In Calgary

PART OF WAR 10-11/05/11


The Mujahideen attack the capital of the province of Nuristan
Publication : Today at 15:00 Emirate

Early on the morning of Tuesday, May 10, units of Mujahideen started a massive attack formations puppet Karzai in suburban Parun, the administrative center of the northeastern province of Nuristan. According to the local police chief Karzai, "general" Shams-ul Rahman Zahid, the Mujahideen launched an attack shortly after dawn, attacking the observation points Karzai troops around the local base. According to the estimation of local authorities, the forces of the attackers were about two hundred Mujahideen. Were carried out large-scale military operations and attacks spread to the city, reports the Agency Bakhtar news. According to previous reports, a week ago the Mujahideen blocked the only road that leads to Parun, and stopped linking the city to other areas. The mountainous province of Nuristan has a common border with Pakistan, differs with the level of increased activity of the mujahideen. The Mujahideen controls almost all the province except the capital of Nuristan. Several attempts by the minions of the invaders Karzai and NATO to leave the Mojahedin of the province or at least weaken them have only made the invaders of NATO and the Americans left their base in the area. Puppet Karzai have said they expected shortly NATO reinforcements, otherwise they could not withstand for long the Mujahideen ra.

Monitoring Department of Kavkaz Center

PART OF WAR Islamic Emirate

Jamadi-ul-Thani 07, 1432 AH, Wednesday, May 11, 2011

1) Abate U.S. helicopter in Nooristan

May 11 - was under the operative to recapture the capital of this province. Reported by Mujahid
2) attacked the NATO base in Kunar

May 11 - Shigal district was in ignoring the casualties. Reported by Mujahid
3) Base U.S. attack in Kunar

May 11 - was in Wata Pur district of lower ignored. Reported by Mujahid
4) Convoy attacked in Baghlan 4 dead and 5 wounded puppet

May 11 - was in Qara Bagh district. Reported by Mujahid
5) 4 Yankee dead, 3 wounded in Uruzgan

May 11 - was in the provincial capital. Reported by Mujahid
6) 7 and 14 puppets Yankees killed in Paktia

May 11 - was in Yahiya Khel district in the context of the operation Badar. Reported by Mujahid
7) U.S. convoy attacked in Wardag six vehicles destroyed and six dead puppets

May 11 - was in Sayedabad district. Reported by Mujahid
8) 7 killed, 11 wounded and two enemies conquered in Nooristan

May 11 - was in the attack carried out in the capital today. Reported by Mujahid
9) District Center in Panjshir

May 11 - was in District 4 puppets Biryan killed or wounded. Reported by Mujahid
10) Vehicle destroyed in Kapisa

May 11 - was in district Hisa Awal all the NDS agents traveled there die. Reported by Mujahid
11) three stooges put fire in Logar

May 11 - was in Khushi district. Reported by Mujahid
12) Base attack in Kunar

May 11 - was in Shigal district ignored low. Reported by

Zabihullah Mujahid

13) Agent wounded in Laghman
May 11 - was in the provincial capital. Reported by Mujahid
14) 4 NDS agents killed in Wardag

May 10 - was in Nirkh district. Reported by Mujahid
15) attacked enemy Base in Ghazni

May 10 - was in Muqur district Reported by ignoring low
Zabihullah Mujahid
16) three stooges dead and 2 injured by explosion in Khost

May 10 - was in the provincial capital. Reported by Mujahid
17) ambushed puppet Juzjan

May 10 - was ignored Aqcha district of casualties. Reported by Mujahid
18) Strong low
Yankees in Laghman

May 10 - was in Alinga district. Reported by Mujahid
19) 3 dead, 4 wounded and a vehicle destroyed in Paktia

10 - It was in Chamkani district. Reported by Mujahid
20) 9 dead or wounded and three attack in Khost

May 10 - was in Siyab district. Reported by Mujahid
21) combat vehicles destroyed in Ghazni

May 10 - was in Khogaini district. Reported by Mujahid
22) attacked military outpost in Kunar

May 10 - was in Nari district of ignoring low. Reported by Mujahid
23) 3 killed in Ghazni
May 10 - was in Andar district. Reported by Mujahid
24) 2 NATO soldiers killed and three wounded in Wardag

May 10 - was in Chaghtu district. Reported by Mujahid
25) 4 puppets vehicle deaths and destroyed in Paktia

May 10 - was in Zurmat district. Reported by Mujahid
26) 2 Yankees killed and three wounded in Logar

10 May - was in Kharwar district. Reported by Mujahid
27) attacked military base in Ghazni

May 10 - was in Gilan district of lower ignored. Reported by Mujahid
28) U.S. patrol attacked in Ghazni

May 10 - was in Andar district of ignoring the casualties. Reported by Mujahid
29) 8 killed and four vehicles destroyed in Wardag

May 10 - was in Sayedabad district. Reported by Mujahid
30) two policemen dead and three injured in crash in Ghazni

May 10 - was in Waghiz district. Reported by Mujahid
31) Since
puppet attacked in Paktia
May 10 - was in Khair Kot district. Reported by Mujahid
32) 8 puppets killed, 5 wounded in battle in May

Juzjan 10 - It was in Faizabad district of Juzjan. Reported by Mujahid
33) 4 Yankee dead or wounded in Gerishk

May. 11 - Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

34) Nawbahar district center attacked

May. 11 - was operating in the context of "Badar". Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

35) Yankees 3 tanks destroyed in Nawzad

May. 11 - The 12 occupants killed or wounded. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

36) Informant kills 6 police in Herat

May. 11 - It was in the district of Rabat-e-Sangi The informant was present at an enemy patrol and ended with an explosive immolating. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

37) died in Kandahar city official

May. 11 - Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

38) tank destroyed in Terenkot
May. 10 to 2 dead and 2 injured. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

39) three stooges killed in Badghis, attacked two military posts

May. 10 - Laman was in district. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

40) ISAF soldier killed in Lashkargah

May. 10 - Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

41) U.S. tank destroyed in Musa Kala

May. 10 - Its occupants killed or wounded. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

42) Official puppet with five of his men died

May. 10 - It was in district d. Shurawak Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

43) Another U.S. tank destroyed in Musa Kala

May. 10 - Its occupants killed or wounded. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

44) U.S. tank destroyed in Nawzad

May. 10 - It was Jamal Khola district killed or injured occupants. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

45) Canadian tank destroyed in Boldak

May. 10 - The 4 occupants killed or wounded. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Poptropica Credit Hacker 2011

at last ... days off!

These are the gifts that I did to Alex ... the son of some good friends who was born and more than 6 months ... and time goes flying!
a while since I had wanted to make letters of cloth, and as the name of Alex is very short, anime me fast! hehe ... what do you think? you like?

And you do these days? I'll see if I score a ride for me to play a little air and sun, although they say it is bad weather: (
Last week I was stuck at home low (hence neither wrote, nor could attend PureOutlet I commented that the previous post!) raging!! so I have many like going out to the mountains or the beach ... anywhere!
hehe I hope you enjoy the holiday season ... and Happy Sant Jordi!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Is Coveram The Same Is Coversyl?

detrapo This Saturday ... Anita in Barcelona!

This week come to an event you can not miss! PureOutlet! It is organized
Le Vysage Artis Management and is an exhibition, sale and rental of furniture (antique and modern) using the interior design studio Puresang to decorate windows, booths and events.
open PureOutlet its doors to the public only on Saturday (April 9) from 11h to 17h. situated within Palo Alto in the neighborhood of Poble Nou in Barcelona. A place that if you do not know yet, I invite you visit it on Saturday. The site was an old factory buildings now occupy the various different creative studios that share the privileged facilities and enjoy a beautiful garden, a small oasis in Barcelona.Además to see this oasis, watch, buy or rent furniture there will be live music and free drinks! and a little surprise that you and vigilance! Anita detrapo have a corner!

So if want to see this! I hope this Saturday! Aim
c / Pellaires 30-38 08019 Barcelona

Below I leave you a little background so do not miss inside the enclosure!

And these are some of the stuff that you can see in my corner, this Saturday!

I hope!

Friday, March 25, 2011

How Many Calories Is Stir Fry Vegetables

spring has arrived!

few months ago I met Monica and Elena, and with them also Kirei , Japanese floral art endures. Kirei is a Japanese technique that involves molding a paste (like porcelain) with your own hands and with the help of some basic utensils and drying in contact with air.
encourage me to do one of his courses and here you can see the results!

I hope soon I can teach more stuff ^ ^
Meanwhile, if you want to know more about Kirei, enter your web and its facebook , sure you'll leave with their mouths open!
ah! and soon will open the online store!

Happy weekend!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Labeled Drawing Of Fern

heart in Japan

is known by all, the seriousness of the events in Japan a week ago.
The earthquake (the most powerful experienced in Japan to date), triggers tsunami and caused extensive damage in a nuclear power plant in the country.

The human and material losses are numerous and have already launched many initiatives to help as much as possible to those affected. Internet Navigating I've known the draft Makiko : make 1000 origami cranes to fulfill a wish: to help and give encouragement to Japan.
I've already sent mine!

From here I send all my love and my best wishes and thoughts to the Japanese people.

And finally I leave this video of a tsunami dog refuses to leave another injured dog, a great example of loyalty and companionship.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Pregnancy Soapy Taste

New store in Barcelona!

Hello! I'm here!

not mention to me before I remembered that my stuff and you can find in Barcelona city, specifically shop Gal-la Bcn Capellans located on the street, n º 3, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bnext to the Colegio de Arquitectos of Barcelona and very close to the Cathedral!

I encourage you to go and see the little things you have in your store Mariana, plus accessories are also very cool clothes!

I while I'm tidying up my hard drive, (never thought I would so much work!) And I found this photo of a necklace that I got a little mirror that you buy at a flea market ... you like?

Happy St. Friday!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Had My Teeth Bleached And Nothing Happened

This week I have ahead! looks like I caught the rhythm, now that we are entering March ... but not sing victory! hehe, I know! For

looking for photos that I promised two weeks ago, I found this photo of my girl with one of my necklaces, a barking modelazo! hehe

And here at last photos of the exchanges made in the Drap Art! I am still making order in my life, hehe, but I was lucky and found the photos fast!

A super snap Les Tatalis

This beautiful illustration of Nolvennlegoff

And this bowl made of a vinyl record ooomydesign

So I was super happy with my gifts of the Magi!

semanita Happy!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Chronic Copd Life Expectancy

exchanges ... I'm still here ... Desconecting

Holaaaaa!! We're through Friday !!!... and I was happy like a partridge!
did not want to happen this week without posting ... it is a way to force, because as I said in the previous post, lately I'm too disconnected and if I disconnect totally going to be more difficult to re-post and the truth i do not want to leave aside the blog ... so here I am! :)

Last week I promised photos I did trade in Drap Art, but lately I'm ordering all the storage room, closet, kitchen, paper and hard drive ... so until I finish organizing it, do not know where I post photos I did the stuff I received ... so hopefully show it to you next week!

But this week I had a nice surprise! I received this award from the hands of Small Things . Beautiful thank you very much!

And finally, I wanted to show this photo that I love ...

It's just an appetizer ... more and soon I'll show you speak of who is ahead and behind the camera. I promise! Happy St. Friday


Friday, February 18, 2011

Other Restaurants Like Dave And Busters

Hello again! Forgive my long absence and my off!
I seem to have started the year with little desire to write ... and every day I say: come, tomorrow you write the post, and it has been a month and a half! But I'm here!
Better late than never, right? ;)

Y que tal? like you is doing the beginning of the year?
I'm taking a relaxed, after always in a hurry to go up and down, thousand things on my mind, I thought it had to end and I'm taking things differently, more relaxed and more calm ... so stressed out? ... to see if it happens to be a purpose to a reality!
And where is me? ah! the last thing I told you it was my presence in the Drap Art (in the next post I'll show all the exchanges I did!)
Then after the show, came the Magi! and I was quite busy creating gifts ...¿¿ you like the comics I did??

Hope Kings bring you everything you asked! Happy St. Friday

I will return next week! ;)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dermatologist Recommended Makeup Foundation

Cuco Valoy - Sytem African Orchestra - Grand Zaiko

Cuco Valoy

One of the most beloved musical legends of the Dominican Republic is
Cuco Valoy received musical education at the National Conservatory of Music of the Dominican Republic, specializing in music theory. His studies were the basis of which left all his musical innovations. Also, got the concimientos Valoy needed to give their children a musical education. His greatest desire was to make music a family business. His dream became reality and that throughout his career his family has been active in musical productions, especially his son Ramon Orlando. Cuco Valoy
is a talented musician who plays a variety of instruments including guitar stand, piano and bass. Valoy also is a percussionist specializing in the drum, an essential instrument in Afro-Dominican merengue.
Upon completion of his studies, Cuco formed his first musical group called The Ahijados with his brother Martin Valoy. Cuco was the lead vocalist and guitarist of the Dominican sensation. The orchestra played Afro-Cuban music and was the first of its kind to emerge in the Dominican Republic.
In search of new horizons, Valoy separated from the godchildren in 1975 to form the fabulous orchestra "The Virtuosos" with which he became a legend. The name of the orchestra was inspired by the title of a book that Valoy used to give piano lessons to Ramón Orlando. The combination of voice and knowledge of modern ideas Cuco Ramon was a resounding success bringing his orchestra to the international scene, especially in Colombia. This group of 13 members was not confined to one genre of music and they played merengue, salsa, cumbia and other tropical rhythms.

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How To Refil Toner Brother Hl-4040cdn

Bhundu Boys - Various Musica Tropical - Anival Velasquez Oriental Brothers International

I chose this song because I found the sound fantastic electric guitar and the spectacular effects very similar to the music of Nigeria - Afrosalsa

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Aníbal Velásquez Hurtado was born on June 3, 1936 in Barranquilla. Still very young, he created the Magdalena Los Vallenatos Carlos and Roberto Román. Robertico died in 1995 and Hannibal decided to create his own group with his brothers John and Joseph, began to stand out for their skill in handling the accordion, so it became known as 'The Barbarian'. In addition to his skills with musical instruments ,
Hannibal is excellent singer, composer and poet, facets that make it a versatile artist. He moved to Venezuela where he lived for 18 years, during which time they developed severe musical activity, acting on Griles and booths with great success. 'The guaracha' was a rhythm that Hannibal won his style and has imposed in the carnival dance tracks where it operates, at parties on 11 November in Cartagena and in the Christmas season and New Year.
This extraordinary musician, father of 28 children, still cheering crowds wherever he goes with his happy and contagious spirituality.
Below I invite you to listen to these sauces Anival ...

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--------------------- Probably the most prominent band's guitar Zimbabwe,
The Bhundu Boys broke the sound of Harare to the UK and Europe in the mid 80's to the most popular. The mixture of styles with influences from Zimbabwe rumba Congo, Bhundus labeled his fast-paced guitar music "jit-jive."

The band was formed in 1980 under the direction of singer Biggie Tembo was a "boy Bhundu" during the liberation struggle in Zimbabwe, a broker for children of rebel soldiers.

The end Bhundu reached the top of the music scene in Zimbabwe, scoring four number one hits (Baba Munini Francis, Wenham Haaneti, Hastisitose and Ndimboze) between 1981 and 1984.

This success brought to the attention of DJs in the UK. Shabini, her first international album, received limited airplay, but the success in England. As his sound gained popularity in the United Kingdom, moved to Scotland and toured extensively, garnering many accolades as top musicians including Elvis Costello. Even Madonna was opened in front of a crowd at Wembley 80000. Ultimate success came when Bhundus inked a record deal with WEA older American. Unfortunately, their downfall began, as the sound of his album True Jit 1986, not "jive" with your audience. Further attempts at finding success not original, and Bhundus collapsed when frontman Biggie Tembo left to pursue a solo career in 1990 (was asked to leave the band.)

The Boys continued to release albums under the direction of Rise Kangona guitarist, but never match their first success. Unfortunately, tragedy has befallen the band. David Manka, bassist Bhundus, was the first band member to publicly admit that he had contracted AIDS. His replacement, Shepherd Munyama, also died of the disease. A third member, drummer Shakespeare Kangwena also succembed AIDS. Disaster once again when, in 1995, the former lead singer Biggie Tembo hanged himself. Until today, Rise Kagona is touring with a new group of Bhundus.

Although they have never lived up to its early potential, the Bhundu Boys were a pioneering force in African music industry, and that paved the way for the artists commercial success in Europe and the U.S..

I invite you to listen to this track called "Pendekar"

Esche Listen Here: Pendekar
are offered Enjoy!