Extends term of the call for contributions of books and other audiovisual works for the second extra-base number
Up July 31 will be receiving contributions for the second number of extra bases, whose special theme is entitled "Regional Offices in the audiovisual Colombian."
extra bases is held in order to offer academic and journalistic materials on the videotape, with a particular interest in Colombian production.
"regional representations in the Colombian audiovisual" second special theme of the magazine for extra bases, measure your pulse aspires to a discussion that has a long tradition in Colombia, as a result of this being a country with marked regional differences. The special attempts to analyze why and how images are being produced in different regions of the country, why and how it occurred in the past, what has made this production traces the readings of regional culture and how they are conserving and rereading these images. We are interested in analysis of works, authors and trends, historical accounts and theoretical problems related to regional representation. TEXTS CALL
-extra-base hits sent texts must be original. These will be reviewed by an editorial committee that will evaluate the soundness of their theoretical contributions and the consistency of the argument.
-In proposing a text extra bases, each partner guarantees the authorship of his text. In the case artwork and multimedia attach to certify the authorization to use and publish that web page.
-selected content be published under the Creative Commons Attribution License.
"The texts must be submitted electronically to extrabismos@gmail.com.
-The deadline for receipt of contributions is 31 July.
-The approximate area of \u200b\u200bwork should be between 6 and 9-spaced pages 1.5, font Times New Roman, 12 points.
To facilitate the editing process is desirable that the items are accompanied by:
• Title and subtitle.
• Entradilla or abstract (maximum of four lines). • Titles intermediate
information on each item (one for each page and a half).
• Fragments who want to highlight (maximum four per item), including the final text.
• Conclusions.
• Footnotes page: brief clarification. Do not include here the references.
• The use of citations and bibliography, filmography, videography and Cybergraphy used in the text should follow the MLA system:
• At the end of the text should included a brief profile of the author.
• The selections are subject to the Creative Commons Attribution. CALL
audiovisual works.
In its section Journeys
Audiovisual extra-base attempts to open a channel of Colombian audiovisual display with hard distribution and want to be shared and pooled to viewers-readers of the magazine.
argument, Documentary, Experimental, Video, and any audiovisual speech leakage from the above labels are welcome in our channel.
No matter the length or format, audiovisual compression is the new way to approach works that would otherwise be difficult to appreciate.
We also propose the possibility of creating a reflection of the author about his work to give a better context the audiovisual work.
Collaborative Approach.
Our channel matrix is \u200b\u200bBlip.tv, a platform that provides more capacity online video hosting, regardless of duration, ensuring better quality image, there are embedded in our site.
collaboration routes are two:
• Request http://extrabismos.blip.tv channel key in the mail. extrabismos@gmail.com and go directly compressed audiovisual work. • Send
physical labor (DVD, AVI, MPEG, QuickTime, MiniDV) to the following address:
Kra 93A No. 77 F 25
MedellĂn TelĂ©fonos: (4) 2642135
The audiovisual work must be accompanied by a sheet:
Title: Audiovisual
Genre or Format:
Director / Director:
Writer :
Production Company:
Link to web / blog / Facebook:
Synopsis of no more than five lines.
The director or producer of the play, has the possibility specify or make explicit, under which license you want your work is covered. Creative Commons
(+ info)
Copyleft (+ info)
Copyrigth (+ info)
The deadline for receipt of contributions is 31 July. The acceptance or otherwise of the contributions will be communicated to the authors.
extra-base hits No. 2 is published by the Corporation Pulpmovies, agreed with the Ministry of Culture
A project
With the support of
extra bases @ gmail. com Pulp@pulpmovies.org
http://www.flickr.com http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=29574935669 / photos / extra-base /
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