A busy Sunday something, something interesting, something home; enjoying the comfort of my bedroom and its contents while my family are singing to the Virgin of Guadalupe and having the memory of my grandmother (oh yeah! My grandma hippie) I spoke by phone this afternoon to greet me. All that and more in the company of music that beats in my heart, good jazz music in Italy.
I share today in this post a live clip of a guy cornered for keys and notes moved in, I mean Antonello Salis, who is accompanied by a master of sounds in strings. In this pair of musicians Italians went to see when they were in Mexiland, Cultural Center of Italy.
Memories of that day may be that I was running barefoot through many streets looking for the building where they would, and I had the address, but never before had gone and wanted to be on time to get a good seat where they were, so as you walked in sandals and run with them bother me, I ran across the center looking for the house barefoot. They were very nice this time.
in place in good time and I sete in a second row (very cool, witnessed the music from an appropriate site.) Right in the place where was a lady I started doing the talk and I followed. I talk a lot more live music.
posts of delicious cheeses and wines at the end of the show. The piece of delicious cheese store Fer and I share it (a detail of friendship she loves cheese). Even among people who attended this event I met a colleague from school, that was very pleasing, because they imagined it to anyone that day turned out so.
But most exciting of the occasion was that, once the concert, I could bring to Antonello and give him a hug of congratulations for your great music and also Furio; both were soaked! and I could feel the good vibes they manage to convey cultural.
If that day take my gadget's camera, but no track record, I wanted to remember those musical moments more attentive to my mind, so I just took some pictures live. No doubt they both are jazz musicians who lead my reproductions.
Oh yeah! That day was a beautiful Sunday, and on Saturday it was in the garden CENART den, where they also were and also went to see, in fact there was the first time I heard and knew them, there I found out on Sunday would be at the Italian Cultural.
This festival also made playlists with Angela Tröndle, Ryhthm desperados, Johnny La Marama, and several more that I can not remember, but it came time to upload entries about them.
For now I say goodbye, Jabraham Karuchesh, unscrew the good life with "the happy rhythm."
live music experiences are another level of the cosmos, as if in a parallel dimension very cool. (The accordion that day caused a very strong effect on the audience)
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