Friday, January 7, 2011

Missed Period And Brownish Cervical

7 ° 6 ° 5 ° prophecy prophecy

The sixth Mayan prophecy says that in the coming years see a comet whose trajectory will endanger the very existence of man.

The Maya saw the comet as change agents who came to set in motion the balance so that certain structures be transformed allowing the evolution of collective consciousness. All things have their place.

All circumstances, even the most adverse, are perfect to generate understanding about life, to develop awareness creation, for this man is constantly faced with unexpected situations that generate suffering, is a mode make reflect on their relationship with the world and with others, well over many experiences, many lives, understand the universal laws of reason of creation. For the Maya God is the presence of life, has all the forms and their presence is infinite.

cometa 2012

Comet spoken of in the sixth prophecy was also announced by many religions and cultures. For example in the Bible, the Book of Revelations, appears with the name of absinthe. If the comet appears his career may take you to hit the ground and also through physical or mental managed to divert its path.

Comets have always been part solar system, thousands of waste through, cross, rub, leave and return periodically and even collide with the planets move in regular orbits always peaceful around the sun.

The scientific community agrees that 65 million years ago in the Cretaceous Tertiary Chixilub a comet fell in the Atlantic Ocean, off the Yucatan peninsula, causing the extinction of the dinosaurs, its crater 180 km in diameter contains high concentrations of iridium, an element rare on Earth but common in asteroids.

has been associated the appearance of comets with difficult situations like the one that coincided with the eruption Vesuvius volcano that destroyed Pompeii in 79 AD, or the overthrow of King Harold by William the Conqueror in England in 1066 was recorded in the Bayeux Tapestry. Have caused collective panic: the Halley in 1910, then it was assumed that its tail was a poisonous gas, cyanide, sold millions of pills to protect him, has also been causing mass suicides like the 39 cult members Heaven gates in 1997, who believed that the huge comet Hale - Bopp. With 40 km in diameter came crashing down.

Comets have always generated controversy but perhaps never so much as in 1456, when Halley's Comet reappeared and was considered an agent of the devil, which would be driven out of heaven was excommunicated by Pope Callistus III.

was Isaac Newton who discovered that gravity keeps the planets revolving in orbits defined by rotating around the sun. Edmond Halley its contemporary use these calculations to determine the orbits of comets by announcing that every 76 years Halley's comet would return, for that reason bears his name. Comets also have caused regional disasters such as Siberia, the Tunguska river, an asteroid about 50 meters in diameter exploded in the air in 1908, instantly destroying 2000 km of thick forest. Some have come very close to earth as Comet Iras Saraki alcove in 1983, it came to 6,000,000 km and could cause an explosion explode simultaneously than if all existing atomic bombs.

The Mayans studied and recorded the events of the sky, his warning was to prevent the dangers of man does not know the orbits and periods of large residuals that intersect with the known trajectory of the earth. They knew that for modern man to discover in advance a big asteroid that could cause its extinction and then divert it to be one of the greatest achievements of human history and a crucial event that would unite us as a species.

Formerly the celestial sphere was the domain of the gods, the appearance surprise of an unknown object which dominated the night was a source of fear and mysticism, that is why the Mayans built observatories dedicated to studying these phenomena. Wanted to understand its unpredictable movements in the sky, especially after established the positions of the planets and stars.

The imminent danger require us to build a level of international cooperation, to establish a system of command and control over the countries and a global communication structure would be the only way that countries abrogated sovereignty to an identity as nations together, leading to a world government for the common good, would be a change to learn to transcend the separation that is the foundation of our society.


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