Sunday, January 2, 2011

Painkillers To Take Before Waxing

film any, tot nou

Hello surfers, start a new year. Ended a year old. And now undertaking projects to achieve new account. I've been wondering whether to add style clips I've been up in the youtube videos kind of personal, that is, where I displayed several times commenting my opinion or criticism toward some things.

know, is more direct and entertaining. Although I have to tell the truth, then I have little time to record that kind of videos, study, do not work but if I do other things to put some of my free time.

I do not care much about the amount, I mean, if I wanted that many would see my videos, but it's okay if I have a few followers and fewer visits, not asking for much, I'm a city boy and only seek to do ask me, and many more.

Join a cooperative channel is not my intention, but if you create a cool channel. I'ma little confused and I would not be MLAL with dates and rules establesidas a channel of that type. If I like to follow many (such as the Central or also to mexivlogs).

'll end the draft "Literatous" I started in 2010, this will be a good door to continue with something that is almost forgotten in the world. The location of the guests is the best, and if I have chance, so is mine, otherwise it will be my bedroom again.

An alternative cultural discourse is what we projected in the next installment, as I've been doing since long ago. I know almost nothing editing programs, but I make an effort to meet your expectations and desires of this new alternative to it obvious that I must also bear in mind what I want to show and that's what cool about everything.

I will continue my film and music recommendations of my favorite shows and clips vlogers also come to like me enough to recommend.

netizens bye!


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